There's gutsy and there's GUTsy. OK, so this is my first post on the subject. Where do I start? Let's see... I am a mom of 4 daughters. I work in a school, and I'm tired. I'm tired of being fat. Yes, FAT. Not "heavy", not "chubby", but FAT. Face it. No one looks at me and thinks, "Wow, she's buff!" When the guys in the van next to me at Sonic snort and moo....I'm not stupid. I'm just done with it. It's time to think healthy. I don't eat right. Well, I do buy the foods that are supposed to help get you healthy, fruits, veggies, etc. I cut out about 95% of my red meat intake 3-4 years ago. I thought that might help. Don't be fooled into thinking that's all you need to do.
I thought it might motivate me to read a magazine based on getting healthy and staying fit. Well, it motivated me somewhat. After all, I am writing this blog. But, only after bursting into frustration-induced tears after reading a woman's story, "Her weight CATAPULTED to a whopping 192 pounds." Catapulted. Skyrocketed. Escalated. Shot Up. Through the roof! (Do you know just how many synonyms there are for catapulted??) Wow. I guess I AM fat! Not all is bad. She did lose weight. I mean, anyone would lose weight while jogging 5 miles every morning, working with a personal trainer (only after I win the state lottery), and grazing on foliage 3 times a day.If that doesn't make ya want a frappacino and a large can of mixed nuts nothing will!
Well, it's time to put down the doughnut and stop feeling sorry for myself. I have tried the "professional" weight loss programs. I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain. I lose 3 pounds. Awesome right? That means I can go have a banana split! WAIT! STOP! Now tapping my temple with my index finger, Think smart. Think healthy. Deep breath. OK...I've got it. I'll leave the banana off. (Sound familiar?) I know. I've got it. My husband's niece lost 20 pounds soon after going vegetarian. Well, I do like seafood...Omega 3s...ya gotta have 'em, right?...Here's an idea....Pescatarian! Fish. I can have fish!.....can pescatarians eat ANY chicken??
I am truly going out on a limb (did you hear something crack??) by discussing my personal weight/weight loss with people in such a way. Stick with me, and I'll try to stick with it. Time to dust off the Wii Fit. And, yes, I am embarrassed to say...I have a lonely YMCA membership. Until next time...
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